Friday, December 27, 2019

Its OK to Be Sad When Your Work Friend Quits - The Muse

Its OK to Be Sad When Your Work Friend Quits - The MuseIts OK to Be Sad When Your Work Friend Quits A week after I started my new job, Jessica started hers and welches assigned the cubicle next to me.It only took one lunch, and we were fast friends. We bonded over being the newbies on the team. We bonded over shared assignments. We bonded over lattes, lunch breaks, and post-work happy hours. When we both got engaged a few months later, we bonded over rings and flowers and wedding venues. And about a year in, when our jobs took a turn for the worse, we bonded over our misery.Before the term welches even really a thing, Jessica was my work wife.I still remember the day her team moved to abedrngnisher wing of the office. Mind you, her new cube was a mere 30-second walk from mine, but not sharing that grey felt wall sucked.So you can imagine how I felt when she put in her two weeks notice.Over coffee, she told me that the company shed been interviewing with had made her an offer, and tha t she was going to take it. And why shouldnt she? She was unhappy, and the new job was a big career jump (not to mention a big raise).I knew I shouldve been thrilled for her. The clink of glasses at her good-bye party was a real step toward the outcome wed both been working toward- she had just done it first.But in reality, it felt like a breakup. The confidante Id turn to after a difficult meeting, the friend I could count on to blow off steam with after a tough day, the constant presence in my daily life wouldnt be there anymore. I remember the first few days and weeks after she left feeling lost. Sure, I had other work friends, but pretty much every move I made at the office had involved her in some way. She was gone, and I wasnt quite sure what to do.I also remember feeling a bit silly that her departure hit me so hard. And when I first sat down to write this article, I meant to offer advice for not ending up in the same boat. Advice like not putting all of your eggs in one work wife basket, or remembering that the best office pals will be around long after your corporate tenure.Thats fair. But I realized that what most of us need in this situation need isnt advice, but a reminder that its OK to feel a sense of loss when our best work buds move on. Because theres something so special about this type of friendship. In some ways, our work friends become the closest people to us. As our lives intertwine, we start sharing things that we dont even discuss with our best friends. Besides our roommates and partners, who sees what we wear every day? Who listens to the details of what we did the night before, every single day?And who knows in intimate detail all about our work, which is, for many of us, one of the biggest parts of our identity? Not just the triumphs we post on LinkedIn, but the difficult meetings, the heated conversations, the stress. When you talk about your job with friends, family, even your partner, theres a mystery youre allowed to have (and th at, frankly, you need to have if you want them to continue hanging out with you). But our best work friends hear and see it all.Fast forward eight years or so to last week, when my closest friend at my current job told me he was leaving. The person Ive shared every challenge, triumph, and in-between moment with over the past four years. The person whos cheered me on, whos helped me through the most painful phases of startup life, whos the first one I turn to when I need a gut check on a big decision. My work husband.And it stings all over again. Im happy for his new chapter, of course, but I know that not having him just a Slack or coffee run away will be tough.I also know that, just as Jessica and I did, well stay friends. It changes, of course. Its the adult equivalent of your best friend who lived across the street moving to the next town over. You cant see each other every day, but maybe you see each other on the weekends. Your workdays arent the same, but soon you create a new routine. You build closer relationships with other colleagues (or maybe you dont). You move on, too (or maybe you dont). No matter what, you find a new normal.This time around, though, Ill give myself permission to feel sad. Maybe it is silly. But maybe its also the best way to honor a friendship thats made me happier, even better at, my job over the past four years. (I guess the other best way would be refraining from sharing the details of the 2014 holiday party in public- but sorry, Elliott, this is what you get.) Photo of people saying goodbye courtesy of Hoxton/Tom Merton/Getty Images.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Ascent of the Hot Air Balloon

The Ascent of the Hot Air Balloon The Ascent of the Hot Air Balloon When we think of humankinds first forays into flight, two brothers come to mind, named Orville and Wilbur. However, it may be more appropriate to think of two other siblings from back in the 1700s Jacques-tienne Montgolfier and Joseph-Michel Montgolfier and their invention of 1783, the hot air balloon.The purpose of the fabrics is to contain the air, says Andy Richardson, owner of hot air balloon manufacturer National Ballooning LTD in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The balloon has a load building structure and the webbing works almost like an exoskeleton. When youre designing balloons you take into account stressing of the fabric, the cables the balloon runs to, and the basket.The first balloon welches made mostly out of silk and paper, he says, and was hand-stitched together, using smoke and wood fires to provide the heat but only the heat on the ground was used and the ride was very short.Model of the Montgolfier brothe rs balloon in the London Science Museum. Image Wikimedia CommonsPopularity SoarsDespite success centuries ago, it was only as recently as the 1960s that the hot air balloon truly became popular. The U.S. government hired Ed Yost to see if he could create balloons for getting troops over the Iron Curtain. But the balloons could only be so quiet. But while it may not have worked for military purposes, Yost didnt lose the balloon itch. He helped form Raven Industries to make it a leisure sport and the hot air balloon is now known for that as well as being a leading source of marketing.So how are the balloons created today?It used to be fire on the ground to get it going but that was replaced by propane, Richardson says. The burners are loosely modeled on the thrusters from the space shuttle. The burners have coils and when you hit the blast on the burner, he says, it allows the propane to go out of the tank, through the hose, and into the burner. The propane goes to the top and runs do wn the bottom of the burner where the jets are. It superheats the propane and gives you three times the amount of power if you just took raw propane and set it on fire, he adds.One helpful addition was the parachute valve added in the mid-1970s, which allows air to escape through the parachute for an easier landing. It just pulls the parachute down from the webbing on the balloon, he says. Before that it had a looped velcro panel at the side of the balloon, but the whole balloon deflated. But now the air pushes it closed so it resets itself.The panels for the balloon are designed by CAD programs, doing stress analysis to make sure the fabric isnt overstressed. Each gore of panels on the balloon has anywhere from 8-17 trapezoidal panels. Most companies are using AutoCAD or Rhino 3D computer programs for designing, he adds.Interestingly enough, one area thats still the same is the basket. It was rattan then and rattan now, he says. They tried using fiberglass, aluminum composite mater ials, but they had it right the first time.A typical hot air balloon ride is one hour starting at either the first few hours at sunrise or the last few before sunset, and can range in height from treetop level to 3,000-5,000 feet. While a balloon goes relatively slowly, its possible for wind speed to take it to 120 mph. Even then it can seem like youre not even moving, he says.Richardson says the FAA wants a future designer to intern with a certified balloons instructor for 18 months to learn the entire process from start to schliff before pursuing balloon building, a craft centuries in the making.Eric Butterman is an independent writer. For Further DiscussionThey tried using fiberglass, aluminum composite materials, but they had it right the first time.Andy Richardson, National Ballooning LTD

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Students Tackle the Latest Future Engineers Challenge

Students Tackle the Latest Future Engineers Challenge Students Tackle the Latest Future Engineers Challenge Prototypes, Creativity and Grit Students Tackle the Latest Future Engineers ChallengeOct. 7, 2016 Thomas Salverson, the grand-prize winner in the kid Group, with his entry, the Expanding Pod. This summer, NASA and the ASME Foundation issued a call to K-12 students throughout the United States to design a 3D printable object that would meet the needs of an astronaut living in microgravity - and would have to ability to assemble or expand to become larger than the 3D printer located on the International Space Station. In short, to help astronauts on the ISS think outside the box.And thats exactly what the 122 K-12 students did by participating in the fourth Future Engineers Challenge, a program developed in collaboration with the ASME Foundation and NASA. The Think Outside the Box Challenge invited students to celebrate the launch of the Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (BEAM) - the first expandable habitat deployed on the space station - by creating new and innovative answers to potential ISS situations and needs.Receiving submissions from 26 states, one national winner from each age division was chosen by a panel of judges that included retired astronaut Nicole Stott. The winner from the Teen Group (ages 13-19) is the Expanding Pod designed by Thomas Salverson, a native of Gretna, Neb., who is now a freshman at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. The winner of the Junior Group (ages 5-12) is the Space Anchor designed by Emily Takara of Cupertino, Calif. The reward for their ingenuity and promise a grand-prize trip to Las Vegas, Nev., for a tour of Bigelow Aerospace - the space technology company that developed BEAM under contract to NASA. Salversons Expanding Pod is a set of containers intended for astronauts to store small items on the International Space Station. His design is comprised of multiple cylinders that slide and t wist to create five sealeuchtdiode stowage compartments that lock into place. Emily Takara won the grand prize in the Junior category of the Think Outside the Box Challenge with her entry, the Space Anchor.I enjoyed the difficulty of this challenge since it made me think in terms of expanding an object, which was something I had never considered before when 3D printing, Salverson said. It took me many prototypes before I had successfully made my completed design, making it all the more rewarding now that Ive been selected as a grand-prize winner.While researching some of the challenges that astronauts face while working in space, Emily Takara discovered that astronauts sometimes have trouble moving easily in large, open spaces. That led Emily to design the Space Anchor, an extendable arm and grabber set that prevents astronauts from getting stuck while floating in microgravity. This challenge taught me to persevere and be creative, Takara said. It has also inspired me to continue designing, as well as teach others computer-aided design. The Think Outside the Box Challenge was the fourth in a series of space innovation challenges developed by Future Engineers with the ASME Foundation, and with technical assistance provided by NASA. The series is designed to extend the reach of NASAs In-Space Manufacturing research by inspiring and educating the next generation of scientists and engineers about 3D printing technology, space exploration and digital design skills. Previous Future Engineers challenges have called upon students to design 3D models of space tools, containers, and objects needed for the future of space exploration. The next challenge launches in October 2016. For additional information on the Future Engineers 3D Space Challenges and upcoming challenges, visit the Future Engineers website at For details on ASMEs K-12 Engineering Education programs, contact Patti Jo Snyder, Programs and Philanthropy, Patti Jo Snyder, Programs and Philanthropy

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Tracking Finance Jobs in a Bear Market

Tracking Finance Jobs in a Bear MarketTracking Finance Jobs in a Bear MarketEditors note This article welches originally available to attendees of Ladders finance-industry career event held in New York on Feb. 9, 2009. One thousand applicants for one position. Ron Dadina couldnt believe what he was hearing. The job wasnt an open call for an entry-level position it was a senior finance position at The World Bank in New York. But Dadina was hitting the market for a job in finance at a terrible time.He was laid off in June from Bear Stearns, where he was the managing director of the companys International Debt Capital Markets Group. By the end of summer, thousands of finance executives had joined him in the ranks of the unemployed and applying for jobs like the one at the World Bank.The World Bank called in Dadina and 12 others to interview for the open position. He didnt get the job. For any job these days, Dadina told Ladders, there are not just a few dozen but hundreds of people appl ying. Unemployment in the finance industry soared 75 percent in 2008, rising to 540,000 or 5.6 percent in December 2008 (the fruchtwein recent figures available), up from 315,000 or 3.2 percent in December 2007, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Since December 2007, finance lost 19,800 jobs in New York alone (mostly in securities, commodity contracts and investment banks), according to New York states Department of Labor.So Dadina and many like him find themselves at the top of their field but out of work and vying for scarce jobs in what appears to be a shriveled employment market. But Dadina found work as a managing director and senior leistungspunkt officer in microfinance, a new branch of the industry that he considers more resilient than the larger market.. (See his story.) And hes not alone. Interviews with finance-industry workers, recruiters and hiring managers conducted by Ladders since September and a review of employment statistics from Ladders and externa l sources show a constricted spring of jobs but pools of hiring at companies in specific fields, functions and specialties.There is definitely hiring going on, said Clark Christensen, chief financial officer of PS Energy Group Inc. in Atlanta. There is a lot of churn people are landing in new jobs all the time. I dont think it will expand, but its going on. The hiring wish listEven in financial services, some specialties offer richer hunting than others, said Harold Laslo, a staffing specialist at Aldan Troy Group, a recruitment firm in New York that focuses on finance. Auditing, security, debt remediation and other crisis-focused jobs have been on the increase since summer, recruiters say. Jobs for IT-related roles in financial services are also proliferating, as is anything that involves generating revenue, Laslo said. Companies have made up their wish lists in this market.While the mortgage industry felt post-apocalyptic last year, recruiters expect anyone with experience structu ring mortgages and mortgage-backed investments to be a hot commodity as firms attempt to untangle the mess of the housing collapse. Any skill set related to the puzzle of how to revalue complex assets based on consolidation of sub-prime mortgages and other risky but popular investment vehicles is a valuable line on your resume, recruiters told Ladders.Obviously a lot of people are having difficulty with mortgages, so banks need to analyze a customers economic situation and figure out what modifications have to be made to keep those loans as viable as possible, said Mark Viego, vice president of the Management Resources division of Menlo Park, Calif.-based recruiting giant Robert Half International. Its there and in health care that were seeing the employment picture get better.Specifically, RHI has seen increased demand for loan processors, loan underwriters, customer service representatives, credit and collections specialists, and mortgage-operations specialists. Pretty much anyone connected with loan modifications or loan refinancing, were seeing increased demand for from financial institutions, Viego said.The bottom lineWhat geschftliches miteinanderes need more than anything else right now is to make money, said Laslo of Aldan Troy.Sales roles, IT roles - anyone who can be a revenue producer, particularly if they have a book of business to bring from a company that went out of business - anyone who can create revenue and be up and running when they land is a good candidate.Companies are very bottom-line focused right now, Viego said. So the advice I would give is to highlight (on your resume or elsewhere) everything youve done that had any kind of bottom-line impact, whether that means increasing revenue or cutting costs.That includes technology leaders who save money in unexpected places and auditors who can go through a large companys purchase orders and identify purchases in which the buyer didnt get full advantage from bulk discounts, tiered pricing or other potential cost cutters, Viego said. And anyone with tax expertise who can find rebates, or any kind of tax advantage a company can take, are also in demand, he said.Layoffs at financial-services companies were so drastic that many may need to hire some of those executives back. Some may hire consultants or staff who specialize in debt-remediation and business turnarounds, as is often the case near the bottom of an economic downturn, according to Sherry Brickman, a partner at recruiting firm Martin Partners in Chicago.Whats wrong with this picture?The market is the worst its ever been for senior-level financial-services executives, and many dont want to add to the misery. Several FinanceLadder members reached by Ladders declined to be interviewed on the record, largely to avoid adding more negative nachrichtensendung to a market they see as being held back by fear and negativity. I just dont see any value in adding to it, said a corporate attorney with a specialty in mergers and acquisitions, who was laid off after his firm lost several large customers to bankruptcy and cutbacks.Recruiters agree, and many claim the perception of misery, aside from spreading bad news, has artificially repressed the employment market in finance.The problem is that even companies that are doing well are so inundated with negative news about layoffs and the economic situation that its causing them to pause. If nobody else is hiring, whats wrong with this picture that we have this need? Laslo said. So they hesitate even when theres no good reason to.Other companies, aware that hiring has become a buyers market, are being so unrealistically picky about both the job descriptions they post and the candidates they interview that even routing hires takes far longer than they should, he said. And it puts more pressure on people internally at a firm that has a genuine need for new hires, he said. They have all the work distributed onto them while the company takes an extraordinar y amount of time looking for the perfect candidate and the perfect candidate doesnt exist.And the slow pace feeds the cycle of perception, he said, as the lag reduces the number of people hired and contributes to the impression that there is no hiring to be had.The biggest problem is that people are nervous, said Christensen of PS Energy in Atlanta. All the bricks that can drop in the ocean, the really bad news, have already dropped, so its just a question of how big the ripples are. People are nervous. As soon as something happens to make them a little more comfortable about the economy, that will lead us out of this.Hitting bottomThe Ayers Group/Career Partners International is a recruiting company that specializes in career transitions and outplacement. Based on its outplacement bookings, Sally Haver, Ayers Group senior vice president of business development, in December predicted there would continue to be major waves of layoffs into January and February of this year. Beyond tha t, she predicted, retraction might continue, but at a much slower pace, paving the way for an economically flat spring or summer and recovery later in the year.If we have hit bottom, that doesnt mean there wont be more bad news, but layoffs at financial-services companies were so drastic in 2008 that many firms now need to fill some of those elminated positions, said Sherry Brickman, a partner at recruiting firm Martin Partners in Chicago. As commonly happens at the end of a downturn, many may hire consultants or staff who specialize in debt-remediation and business turnarounds, she said.It wont take much to turn around the economy, especially the financial services market, Laslo said. A little good news might do it, or a little warm weather, or maybe successful government action.I think we have hit bottom, Laslo said. Am I an economist or have any hardcore evidence to back that up? No. Have I seen a slight uptick in new business in the new year? Yes.(Karl Rozemeyer contributed to t his article.)

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Life After It Manager Resume

Life After It Manager Resume A caring manager also has to be respected. The thorough project manager job description can help you. In the example of Information technology resumes, You will need to grab the eye of a hiring manager and make the best impression. If it comes to locating the proper assistant manager job, an intriguing resume is critical. The crucial function of a manager is to make sure that a corporations many moving parts are entirely working properly together. Include one, and youll greatly increase your odds of landing that regional sales manager position. After all, if youre likely to be a manager, you should be in a position to demonstrate you have management abilities and at this level, therell be more competition than before. Hence, its obvious that the manufacturing manager is among the vital cogs in the industrial machine, one without which there is not any progress to be made. Filling up junior level vacant positions in a firm is a significant job, b ut its not a critical one. Marketing is about getting the perfect outcomes. Then you should understand what the work market in your individual field resembles. Share your expectations too. Choosing It Manager Resume Project Managers work inside an organization to spearhead particular projects. To engage her, youre require a substantive sales pitch. Business partnerships take on a range of forms. They are a little bit like marriages. Key Pieces of It Manager Resume Terrific managers realize theyre a team. Other managers might just be lazy, or they dont need to choose the time needed to create excellent decisions. There are several bad managers. Tolerating poor managers and inadequate manager behavior is just like condoning it. Actually, excellent managers have ten characteristics, and if every one of these ten characteristics is developed, you will grow to be an excellent leader and an excellent manager. A good idea is to appear more formal than the typical employee in that organization. As stated by the survey Theres a tremendous prospect for managers and supervisors to set themselves and their companies aside from their competition. You must find out strategies to alter your experience to the demands of the new job and set it in such a manner your strengths are displayed on top. Remember that employers might already have a feeling of job duties, particularly if theyre all in the exact field, and instead wish to see something which impresses them and makes you stand out. While managers arent necessarily the most crucial folks in the organization, their work is vital to helping everyone else work together seamlessly. 1 step Managers are able to take to make their job easier is to have a long good look at their own regions of weakness. New Step by Step Roadmap for It Manager Resume For the reason, management, good or bad, may have a massive influence on several lives. An effective people manager doesnt wish to get liked, but they do want to demonstrate respect and to obtain respect. The best employees figure out ways to improve or streamline current conditions until they become problems. In case the environment is the reason for the problem it could possibly be in the managers best interest to attempt to locate an alternate job within the business that will give a better climate for the employee to work in. Our resume builder provides you with tips and examples on how best to compose your resume summary. Your manager resume must demonstrate your capability in this section of the webpage. If you want to turn into a regional sales manager or are one and would like to make your resume, this resume vorlage will address all your requirements. A great sample manager resume will consist of keywords a number of times throughout the document. Project Managers should know a number of topics, including information technology, promotion, and construction, based on the facts of their undertaking. Although companies var y in what theyre searching for and what they require, you may use the next information to receive a feeling of what skills you could need to have. To see most photographs in Lovely Managing Director Resume Sample photos gallery you must abide by that site connection. IT-related projects within the company need a dedicated group of IT experts that are ready to work through the intricacies of IT-implemented projects. Managers often find themselves playing the function of middle-man because thats what they are... in the center. Ensure you emphasize your present leadership abilities and experience. Leadership is all about people. To begin, utilize the skills below. Most Noticeable It Manager Resume Itll be your responsibility to read the work description carefully to identify which skills your prospective employer is really searching for. A work recruiter wont know precisely when you wrote it. So if youre really interested in finding job, then you ought to use the help of suc h on-line firms. The list of duties and obligations are enumerated for simple referencing, and all of these are free for downloading. Lies Youve Been Told About It Manager Resume A terrific cover letter is the place to spell out your story. You should tailor your resume for a sales manager position to boost your odds of getting an interview. You should make certain that youve dressed appropriately for the interview. On the day of the genuine presentation, give yourself ample time to receive prepared for the camera.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Interview Process Alternative Approaches That Really Work - Spark Hire

The Interview Process Alternative Approaches That Really Work - Spark HireImagine youre a manager looking for the best and brightest talent to hire for your company. Youlook through hundreds of cover letters and resumes. Casually you toss aside the ones you dont like, while highlighting the ones you do. You finally have narrowed down the qualified candidates you think will fit the position. Now you have your five best eignung hires, but three of them dont seem as strong after speaking with them. So with two candidates left, you schedule in-person bewerberinterviews. One candidate drops the ball, but the other candidate is so impressive you hired them on the spot. You rest easy, thinking youve found the perfect new hire for the job and everything will take care of itself. Except, it doesnt. After a few months, you realize the new candidate youve hired is having a hard time. Adjusting to his surroundings is proving far mora difficult. You thought itd be a smoother transition, but he do esnt seem to quite gel with the rest of the team. The work you thought he was capable of doing isnt up to snuff. Now you have a decision to make. Do you start the entire process over? How long should you give him a chance to redeem himself without drastically impacting the performance of the entire time? In 2015, the Brandon Hall Group (BHG) published The True Cost of a Bad Hire. In the study, BHG found 69 percent of companies say a bad interview process is the reason for low quality hires. Those bad hires are expensive too. Costs range from nearly $40,000 for individual contributors all the way up to over $150,000 for executives. Have faith though There are ways to change up the interview process to ensure you getthe right people into the right position. And to make the process simpler for you, we talked to a few experts. Here are their favorite interview processes and questionsUsing Predictive AnalyticsGoogle has a reputation for hiring the best and brightest minds in the business . For all the talk of how extraordinary they are, however, their interview process isnt as complicated as one might expect. In June 2015, Lazlo Block, Googles former Senior Vice President of People Operations, wrote Heres Googles Secret to Hiring the Best People. Companies have long been in favor of using assessment tests to judge candidates. Where Google differs from most companies, is they use a combination of assessments in order to find the best employee. Bad hires are expensive. Its important to hire the right person the first time.Click To TweetResearch shows that combinations of assessment techniques are better than any single technique, Block said. For example, a test of general cognitive ability when combined with an assessment of conscientiousness is better able to predict who will be successful in a job.Block said Google has an internal tool called qDroid, where interviewers pick the job they are screening for, check the attribute they want to test, and are emailed an int erview guide with questions designed to predict performance for that job. Block believes the combination between personality and situational assessments give a little nudge toward better, more reliable interviewing. Spotting Signs of LeadershipIts important to think ahead. You might not be looking for a leadership role when hiring for an entry-level position, but whether or not that candidate will make a great leader in the future could have an impact on whether you should hire them from the outset. In March 2015, Saba and Workplace Trends produced the The Global Workforce Leadership (GLW) Survey. The survey found 46 percent of companies noted leadership skills were the hardest to identify. A good way to spot these skills within a potential hire is to have your interview process designed to identify specific leadership skills. parte of the reason companies arent getting this right is because many dont exactly know what it takes to be a leader. Although 68 percent of workers, accordi ng to the survey, see themselves as leaders, 47 percent of HR leaders judge their pool to fill new roles within the company as just adequate. Its important to think ahead when hiring for entry-level candidates.Click To TweetThe GLW survey found the cause for the gap between viewpoints is due to employee development not being personal enough. While 52 percent of companies conduct annual performance reviews, less than a quarter worldwide use advanced technology for insights into their people and effectiveness of their talent programs.If youre looking for new employees you want to really stick within the company, your interview process will need to change to spot these leadership traits early on. Using Video InterviewsInterviews might not be your idea of a date, but at least one CEO would disagree. Kathryn Minshew, CEO of The Muse, talked about job interviews with Business Insider in September 2016. Minshews interview, A CEO explains how interviewing for a job is just like dating prese nted the parallels between job interviews and dates. She said a mistake she often sees is that people want a job in general, not the one in particular theyre interviewing for. From a hiring managers perspective, youre looking for someone who is excited about this role or this company, she said. Its kind of like dating and no one wants to date someone who just wants a girlfriend or boyfriend. People want to be with people who are interested in them. A great way to screen for this is through video interviews. They allow you to see a candidates body language, how they handle themselves with tough questions, and their tone. All which reveals clues of their true interest in the job. Videointerviews are a great way to see if candidates want a job or THE job.Click To TweetIn July 2015, Korn Ferrys company published the Futurestep Executive Survey to show how commonplace video interviewing has become. The report shows 71 percent of companies are using real-time video interviewing. Moreover, 50 percent are using them to narrow the candidate pool. Additionally, 24 percent of companies surveyed are using recruiting focused video on their career websites. So, if youre looking for ways to make sure youre hiring the right people, making video interviews a part of the process is a great way to screen potential new hires. Asking Candidates Oddball QuestionsIf youre a hiring manager searching for new talent, you need to put time into finding the right questions. This helps youto properly assess candidates for the exact role they are interviewing for. A lack of good questions is a sure-fire way to extend the time it takes for you to hire someone. Throwing curveballs toward a job candidate is an effective method to see how well they think on their feet. If youre searching for new talent, put time into finding the right interviewquestions.Click To TweetPete Abilla, founder of Find Tutors Near Me, says he likes to flip the tables on candidates. I play the interlocutor to the candi date, Abilla said. They will ask me a series of questions where new information will emerge about the business situation. Then they will begin to form a hypothesis and arrive at recommendations. Abilla said hes not so much focused on the right or wrong answers. Hes looking to see how they think. Max Page, founder of Coupon Hippo, asks candidates something a bit more personal. His question to candidates is if you started this job on Monday, what would your day-to-day look like that would make you say to yourself, I made the right move to X company?Page said hes looking to hear what candidates really want to do. It also can tell you what they arent getting out of their current job if you follow up with, what part of this day-to-day you want are you not getting at your current job? He believes if you cant offer the things the candidate wants to do in that role hes not a good fit.Gene Cabellero, co-founder of Greenpal, wants to know what a candidate is passionate about. He also asks can didates what theyre passionate about outside of their family. If a candidate is not passionate about anything, he will not be passionate about working for my company. Changing the Screening ProcessIn addition to asking oddball questions, influencers are known for changing the entire interview process. Robert McGuire, CEO of Mcguire Editorial Content Marketing Agency, likes to plant a paying attention test into the job ad. Mcguire typically works more with freelancers and independent contractors, so his process for screening them is different. I ask them to do some particular small thing in their application, he said. For writers, I will often ask them to look at an existing article and to suggest one or two follow-up topics as a demonstration of their thinking. Angela Copeland, author of Breaking The Rules Getting The Job, also has an interesting process. Copeland says, during the interview process, shell have a candidate organize their reference checks. Theyre asked to walk the fu ture hiring manager through their entire work history and why they left each job. Copeland says its a comprehensive and enlightening process. Taylor Dumochel, the executive recruiter at Peak Sales Recruiting, uses structured interviews. A slight twist for their interviewers, however, is they use scorecards to help remove bias. Its the best way to hire A-level talent, she said. Dumochel also says the biggest advantage for having a scorecard is that when you have done the work to break down the candidate profile and the job profile in terms of measurable attributes, youll find more qualified candidates. Dumochel further went on to say people who have experience in a similar selling environment will also be qualified along with people who have experience in the same role in the same sector. She believes the criteria theyve created eliminates subjectivity. Including Potential Co-workersWhen youre looking for a new candidate to hire, sometimes two or more heads are better than one. Havin g more than one person evaluate a candidate can be a fantastic way to see how the persons qualifications are viewed from multiple perspectives.In a recent Business Insider interview, Facebooks global head of recruiting, Miranda Kalinowski, and VP of people, Lori Goler, spoke about their interview process. Kalinowski said after candidates have gone through the multiple interview steps, they turn it over to their employees. Theyre the closest to the work being done, so theyre able to impart a lot of firsthand experience about what its like to work on that team in that role, as well as answer any question the candidate might have, she said. Facebook looks to make sure they match the right people with the right opportunities. In the end, your goal is to always look for the best person for the job. Although that can be a tall order for anyone, having the right process can go a long way. Whether its assessment-based, new processes, or oddball questions, the more committed you are to sharp ening your interview process, the higher the chance youll find the perfect candidate for the job the first time. What are some of your favorite interview processes? Let us know in the comments