Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Economy is Recovering - Make Your Executive Job Search Count -

The Economy is Recovering - Make Your Executive Job Search Count -The economy is slowly improving. There may be more jobs available but that also means that your competition is stepping up their job search. Make sure your activities are bringing the results you want.After a long couple of years of continuous job losses, the economy is finally beginning to recover. Of course, employers still have a long way to go before all are hiring again or even bringing back their benefits packages but at least there is now room for more people to find new jobs without competing against the world for the same positions.As a top-level executive, now is the time to dive in and begin reviving your job search as the economy revives. With employers creating new positions, you want to take the steps necessary to make sure you stand out.Clean Up Your ResumeOne of the first steps to take when jumping into your executive job search is cleaning up your resume. Hopefully, youve made attempts to regularly m ake updates to it as your career has evolved, but this doesnt mean that your resume isnt still a work in progress. There are things you can do to continue to clean it up and make it stronger.For instance, you could make sure that your job summaries quantify your best results (money made, workers managed, project time frames). In addition, if youve done anything in your interim period that could be listed on your resume (created a blog, added a new social networking profile, spoke at an event) these are things that you could mention that could give it more strength.Strengthen Your Executive BrandNows also the time to make sure that your executive brand is strong and visible. With many years of experience under your belt, you should have a great enough career focus to brand yourself specifically within your industry. Who are you? What are your specialties? What schriftart of leader are you? How many people/businesses have you affected? Who is interested in hearing what you have to say ?All of these questions could be easily answered by getting out in front of people at speaking engagements, become a board member of one or more organizations, developing an online presence through social networking profiles (LinkedIn and Twitter) and blogging, as well as creating a website under your name. You could even try to get yourself interviewed with local newspapers or other publications, while giving yourself a title that will tell the world who you are.Take Unconfident Language Out of Your Executive Bio / Cover LetterOne major mistake that some job seekers make even at the executive level is to showcasing low self-esteem in their paragraph-based documents like executive bios and cover letters. The ansinnen is to not look unconfident, but it occurs anyway through the use of words and phrases like Hopefully, Im just, Im only and I should. These words not only make you look unconfident, but make you look unprofitable. If youre not sure of your capabilities, how could an em ployer feel good about them?Its a great time to get back in the swing of things as more employers look for competent and driven executives to lead their companies back to a profitable stage. So take advantage of this period of recovery by making the most of your executive job search.Executive Resumes. Compare the top executive resume writers in the industry at

Monday, March 9, 2020

The Secret to Recruiting Better Engineers is in Your Code, According to Study

The Secret to Recruiting Better Engineers is in Your Code, According to Study James Pearce, former head of Facebooks open source program, asked engineers why they joined the company and whether or not they were aware of the open-source program at Facebook. According to his presentation at OReillys Open Source Convention, it turns out that not only were two-thirds of the companys engineers aware of it, but half of them said that it largely influenced their decisions to work for Facebook.As it turns out, over half of the 30 of the most-applied-to U.S. tech companies of all time on AngelList host open-source projects, according to an AngelList analysis. In fact, hosting an open-source project might be the key to recruiting engineering talent if you do it correctly.There is an art to leveraging open-source projects as recruiting collateral youll need to do more than post a repo to GitHub and hope for the best, AngelList advises. To get recruiting benefits out of open sourcing your code , youll need to approach each project with a marketers mindset.To do just that, AngelList recommends that engineering firms write readable code and sellable documentation and then promote their repositories like a product launch.The point of open sourcing software is to allow outside engineers to see it and, potentially, contribute to it, according to AngelList. For that to happen, your code has to be written so its simple for outside engineers to understand. This means refactoring your code to be as simple as possible following style conventions for names, whitespace, etc. replacing private information with environment variables and commenting your code to contextualize snippets within your broader codebase.In other words, companies should approach each file as if the person reading it has not seen the rest of the codebase (they probably havent). The easier it is for outside engineers to understand the code, the more likely theyll want to contribute.Likewise, well-written document ation is important its ultimately sales copy.Documentation should articulate your projects value proposition explain any considerations or processes you expect from contributors list technical specs, dependencies and licenses and provide easy-to-access reference material for special use cases, according to AngelList.For example, Spotifys Annoy (Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah) project, a library that searches for points in space that are close to a given query point, does this extremely well, AngelList recommends. Its README file includes how to install the library, the background behind the project, code examples, licenses, dependencies, and a deep dive into the underlying software logic. It also includes a benchmark of Annoys speed versus other nearest-neighbor libraries. With just a single page of documentation, engineers have the information they need to decide if Annoy is a project where they want to contribute.And finally, promoting repositories is key. More than 82,000 repositories are published to GitHub, for example, every day this means that companies need to make theirs stand out. They can do this by promoting it in other places such as Hacker News, Reddit and Tech Ladder, as well as across relevant communities like Product Hunt, Gitter, and relevant social media channels.Think of your repository as a product, and the engineers youd like to contribute to it as your market, AngelList advises.While the number of STEM jobs are increasing and at the center of the countrys success, engineers are fewer and farther between. The U.S. has seen growth in a number of engineering sectors, but, when it comes to STEM, theres only one qualified individual per 1.9 job listings, according to research compiled by Adeco.If companies follow in Facebooks footsteps, they may be able to bridge the gap and stop their shortage of engineers.--AnnaMarie Houlis is a feminist, a freelance journalist and an adventure aficionado with an affinity for impulsive solo travel. She spends her days writing about womens empowerment from around the world. You can follow her work on her blog,, and follow her journeys on Instagram her_report,Twitterherreportand Facebook.