Monday, April 27, 2020

My Super Secret Project, (kinda) Announced!

My Super Secret Project, (kinda) Announced! My next project,  The Declaration of You (How to Find It, Own It Shout It From the Rooftops), is open for info! OK, I know that’s vague, but really, I can’t tell ya much more than that. What I can tell ya is that this is an awesometastic coolaboration (yes, a “coolaboration”) with my newest favorite friend, Jess Swift, and we’ve been working our buttocks off for the past few months to put together a lil somethin somethin for our kindred spirits (creative thinkers, artistically inclined, wont rest until youre living a life you love, willing to live in the questions, ready to take the shoulds from your life kick them to the curb, the unconventional, the inspirational, the passion-filled) to discover what it means to be truly, fully, honestly you. Intrigued? Sign up for our newsletter and get first dibs on not only the details of what we’re unveiling, but to be able to register before the rest of the world get an extra bonus along with it! We might even sing for you. But that’s all I’ll say. Really. The conventional world is watching.

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